I don't quite know what to do with these, but they are kinda cool. More kitchen goodies from my friend's Victorian. Maybe put them into a shadow box in the kitchen? Sell 'em as a lot?.
The shoe soap box is unopened, but mouse-nibbled on one corner. The soap is still inside. The two white and red spice jars I suspect will turn out to have some value. (Would look great in one of those red/white retro kitchens.) They are heavy "milk" glass and have the original lables, and even a bit of spice inside.
The other stuff I think has little to no value. Faultless Starch unopened free sample has happy homemaker lady drawings on the back. Looks like 1930's or 40's? Clabber Girl looks like modern packages, but it has a paint can style lid and a 21 cent price on the bottom. Spice Islands Bay Leaves, similar to modern packaging, but looks old. Almond extract has a 31 cent price on it. Green food coloring dried up remains in bottle, unopened. Uncolored "Home Liquor for Shoe Soap" I don't know what the heck this stuff is, but it's for use on calfskin or kid.