I take back what I said about the medal being from Rome ... I've just had a closer look at the picture and it is a medal showing St Anne de Beaupre Basilica, and although at the bottom it reads France ... I'm pretty sure that is the one in Canada.
What threw me in the direction of Rome was the smaller medal showing Pope Pius XII the Wartime Pope.
The other smaller one looks like it is of the same Pope.
The larger centre one I can't make out the writing ... looks like S J Scotus, and the only Scotus that I've heard of is Scotus College in Scotland, a catholic Seminary, but the full inscription might tell a bit more.
Re Value, if the medals are of silver, then therein is where the value lies, and there won't be a great deal of weight there. If the Reliquary actually had some relics inside it (if that is what it is) then it would have some value, all depending upon whose relics they were. But nowadays the buying and selling of relics is quite tightly controlled, they're classed as human remains I think.
The 8C could possibly be 8 carat gold, a very low grade gold being 333 parts per thousand, or 1/3 gold. However, if it is a Reliquary, then there may be some value in that as an object.
Other than that, I can't help, I'm afraid. Good luck!