On getting stuck lids off-
Last night I was trying to think how you could do warm vs. cold when the top is perforated. I don't think in the case of S&P shakers that would work, but the rubberbands sure worked for me. I still couldn't do it myself with my weak hands, but Hubby was able to do it.
IronLord, were you able to get the lids off of yours?
On the subject of depression glass values-
I was looking last night at Ebay, looks like a lot is available there, but paying $5 per piece with no tax or shipping is definitely a good price. Looks like the S&P's go anywhere form $20-$50 + shipping, other pieces about $10. The bowls that I passed up were going for about $30. More importantly, I do really like the stuff and I'm just expanding my ever-broadening collection of blue glass and not reselling, so it's all good, but it's always nice to get a good value. That cobalt (Ritz) blue really makes my kitchen glow when the sun shines in, that part is priceless.