Author Topic: Market Trends?  (Read 3084 times)


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Market Trends?
« on: March 02, 2012, 01:22:00 pm »
I guess the trend I have been seeing in my area and at garage sales/ebay/craigs list is that a lot of things are showing up on market that my age group thru my kids age/generation...are getting rid of "old stuff" because they don't have the emotional tie to grandma/pa's items or mom/dad's.  There are still those that are intrigued in the past and love the nostalgia....but the economy is fueling the "unload" factor of items.  The more saturation of the market...the lower the money value (on most things).

The heartbreaking part of this forum is so many get on here with items that they say their grandparents/parents/relatives "said it was valuable" only to find out it isn't in the monetary value of TODAY...but if compared to the quality of life/cost of items/income in the earlier days, IT WAS VERY VALUABLE (and still is).  Thus proving the old adage if you work hard for your money and spend it wisely you come to appreciate what you have.

If so many could pause and reflect on that, not that they have to embrace it fully, they would hopefully appreciate the efforts that were taken for THEIR future today. The true value of items passed down through the generation is the sentimental value which can't have a price tag placed on it. Unfortunately, so many have become casualties to the "disposable" society of today (if it gets dented-get rid of it...if it doesn't fit my current mood-get rid of it....).  AND that isn't always bad, because so many of us do get the unwanted items and cherish them whether valuable $$$$ or because of the pleasure they bring.

I KNOW MY KIDS WILL MOST DEFINITELY NOT KEEP ALL OF MY COLLECTIBLES and I don't expect them to!  They will have their own paths to forge and collect.  But I do know that some cherished pieces will be kept in the family (specified in the will!!!!! :P )  The family piano that we gave away  several years ago to a family in need for their daughter has sent their family on a path of musical enjoyment and a career for her in the music industry!?  My grandparents/parents would love that it is cherished and cared for! (We still have another family piano that will be passed down - the fun part - they all want this one!   LOL).

This is a trend that has repeated itself over and over....and will continue to do so!  So enjoy the market if you are buying.  And, if you are selling...once it is gone, most likely you will not get it back - so think twice about selling that passed-down cherished item that can emit a smile on your face instantly with fond memories...that is what makes it priceless.

One more note...remember that the WWI, WWII and Post War generations loved to hide valuables in items...many a fortune has been given away and discovered by a happy purchaser somewhere down the line!

The soap box is now creaking....must get off......
I'm from the South - but please don't mistake my Southern Manners/Accent/Charm as a weakness!


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 03:03:04 pm »
I love your soapbox KC !! My sentiments exactly !! Value is what you make it to be !!  I have some things that are worth little in monetary terms,, but they are valuable to me !! And many of the younger generation don`t stop to think that in our parents/grandparents day $100. was a lot of money !! So when they said something was "valuable" it was,, but only in their terms !! 
So many come here to get a value on their items that are passed down, and are rather dissapointed I think at what that value is in todays money !! When grandma said something was valuable they don`t take the income difference into account !!  That $100. may have been their monthly wages !!  So if they bought an item that cost that much ( and likely paid it out on time) it was valuable !!


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2012, 06:38:13 pm »
Very well said KC! Once an item is sold out of a family it is gone forever. I hope that people think about future descendants before selling things. If it's not a treasure now, could it become something that the family would treasure someday? 

I too have an antique list where I give an approximate value and specify if every item has a family connection or not so that family things won't be sold by mistake.
Antiqueaholic in recovery


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2012, 08:06:46 pm »
Great little thread , all !

I think of these issues in comparative terms , not only in the past , but in the present as well .

Core issues , for me , around this have alot to do with the oft-forgotten virtues that hold sway in a person's life , v/s the 'values' (not just the $$ ones) of the day -past or present .

I've certainly seen more than my share of angry/resentful/bothered relatives selling-off the estates of 'the deceased' in many whacky ways & am of the opinion that there have always been those who are attracted to doing business with them (aka 'the sharks' , hearse-chasers , etc) .

On the other side , I don't think that it's always such a bad thing to try & convince a seller to hang on to heirlooms for awhile , rather than trying to 'fire-sale' them .... have made some good friends (& repeat customers) through the years , from starting off a purchase with this in mind !

I'm pretty much the only one in my family-of-origin who personally values the things that have been handed down through my family , especially as I frequently feel some present/distant connection to those who once held an item as their own .

I'm fond of good quality heavy-duty items that will stand the test of time in daily use & I do find that a bunch of the 'oldies' kickin' 'round the farm' here are just dandy & have no need of replacement !

I just finished up being the executor of "Sara Finns'" estate & ran into 95% of her relatives that only were after $$$$ ... & wanted no personal mementos , etc !

Just musings on the great topic ....
" Methinks me the 'mental' in sentimental .... "


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2012, 08:24:05 pm »
      For the many that are not affected by Antiquholism like me, they see the $$$ and not the history or unique value of a item.  For me personnally I like the fun in not only learning about each item that crosses my fingers but the blessings of finding the person who really wants it, this may only mean making only $ on my item that may be worth $$, but it works just fine just means you have to work a bit more for the $$$.  Sometimes we put too much value on a item, even though we only spent .01 for the item, or even worse, have it given too them and expect $$$ for it.   Funny thing is most of those who expect $$$ might just turn around and spend that on something Silly, Like a Coach Bag ( Sorry to any coach bag lovers ).   I guess my only point I have ( if I can remember what my point was )  ::)  is we place way to much on value then finding the one out there who would really love it.
      As for keeping thing in my family is of little concern, no one is following me down the line, No sympathy please, I find it easy I'll sale you anything you like for $   ;)


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2012, 08:35:49 pm »
    I forgot to add if you are into $$$.00 Go find some "Transformers" (Toy kind that is)  They out sell antiques any day, what a crying shame, and don't get me started on Loius Vatona stuff, that will out sell Diamonds any day, Trends are really silly, I can easily sell you a pair of Uggs but What is EAPG  :-\    ;D   Actually trends are all I see today with my job, and know what I still enjoy it  ;D

Just in case you want to watch the trends of today, This is what I mean, and this will for sure go for over $500.00 before it ends
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 08:38:32 pm by ironlord1963 »


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2012, 05:31:42 am »
When I look at items like that,, I think,, beanie babies !!  Trends just don`t last and you wind up with a lot of money invested in something that you can`t sell !!  Just wait a few years,, something else will take Transformers place in the market !!


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 08:08:59 am »
I know this it totally off topic but I was out of the loop for a bit and surely may have missed something......that or I'm somehow misreading.

Fancypants, you mention Sara Finn's estate?? Please tell me I'm not reading that right!


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 11:39:48 am »
No mistake there , sapphire ....

"Sara Finn" (not her true name) passed away from this life on November 10 , 2011 , from a myocardial infarction ('heart attack') in her sleep , at the age of 40 .

She'd had a major medical check-up in August , which she passed with flying colors ; her passing from this was quite an unexpected event .
" Methinks me the 'mental' in sentimental .... "


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2012, 02:34:20 pm »
I am betting that she knows that you were there for her, to see that her things were carefully and consciencously distributed.  :) I'm glad to see that you feel ready to talk about this on the boards a bit, I know it has been a terrible shock. *hugs*
Antiqueaholic in recovery


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2012, 07:48:41 pm »
Fancy I'm so terribly sorry! I can't imagine the shock and the deep loss.  ((HUGS)) to you from across the miles. She is surely missed from the whole family here.


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2012, 01:41:14 am »
So-o-o-o-o-o sorry for the loss and know you are in our prayers!  I know it is emotional helping settle estate...even if you aren't a family member!

I have been going through this recently...and that is what spurred my soap box.  All kinds of people and family....and how they care/or not about the things that were important to the deceased.
I'm from the South - but please don't mistake my Southern Manners/Accent/Charm as a weakness!


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2012, 03:27:17 am »
I am so sorry for your loss fancy! I know it was very hard for you to lose someone that you loved. I hope that time is helping to heal.

I feel terrible even talking about market trends on this thread now. But I will say that trends can literally change as quickly as a person changes their mind or changes their decor. Things that were hot 2 or 3 years ago are just not nearly as desirable anymore. The economy can also have a huge impact on trends. People may buy smaller, less expensive collectibles than they did before.

I have a few items in mind that I hope stay in my family for generations to come. I guess I have to have kids first before that can happen though! My grandmother is 94 and she has become very ill in the last 2 weeks. She has a dresser that is very simple and definitely not valuable. Probably from the 30s or so. I'm not sure. It is the only item that I want when she passes and the only old item she has. My mother and her twin sister, who passed away in her 20s, got into trouble when they were 3 years old for writing all over the dresser with my grandmother's lipstick. My mom and I always love to hear my grandma tell that story. All my other relatives care about my grandmother's electronics and the small amount of money she may have in the bank. For me, I'd turn down $$$ to have that simple old beat up dresser any day.


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Re: Market Trends?
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2012, 06:45:13 pm »
Wow , folks !

I thank you for the outpouring of sweet thoughts & such !

Not to hijack the thread further , but I'd like to explain that I'd thought it best to wait awhile to post about Sara , esp since we'd lost a great friend & moderator here -waywardangler- that same month .

Thanks again for your sentiments , all !!!
" Methinks me the 'mental' in sentimental .... "