Thar' she blows......well.... getting blown by the wind in dry dock that is.
Thought you would enjoy seeing a "antique" in dry dock awaiting another face lift for the next movie. Here in Hawaii, on Oahu, across from our timeshare is The Black Pearl/Queen Anne's Revenge! She is gorgeous. The security guy let us go through a hole in the fence. Love all the skeletons. She is still marked Queen Anne's Revenge on the backside.
2 years go when we were here they were filming "On Stranger Tides" (Jack Sparrow/Penelope Cruz) and the crew was staying at our place and the place next to us. The boat was outfitted The Pearl on one side and the Queen on the other so when combined on film...a great sea fight! Some mornings were accented with cannon fire! Fun time!
This trip is accented with jets, ships, etc from the RIMPAC/Pacific War Games going on here. Meeting some amazing soldiers. Thanks for keeping us safe!