Hello! I hope everyone is doing well today. I have recently purchased via an auction a lot of photos. They had them listed as cdvs, tintypes, cabinet photos and ambrotype photos. However, upon looking more closely into the 2 that were supposed to be ambrotype photos, they appeared to be different. At first I thought they were both ambrotype. (however now I am starting to question the photographs I have. I am seeing different types (descriptions) on a website and I question the types I have...interesting).
The one photo appears to be a Daguerreotype because depending on the angle viewed the image can change from a positive to a negative.
The other appears to be the Ambrotype because it is mounted in a case with a black backing so the underexposed negative image appears as a positive.
My question is what can daguerreotypes be valued around? Are they rare? What about the Ambrotype?
Also, I have some tintype photos, and on a few of them they have added a rouge to their cheeks. I wonder if this adds to the value of the tintype?
Thank you ahead of time.