Sasha......adopted at 6, twice through a so called rescue (almost 4 years). The year in between she spent muzzled and chained outside 24 hrs a day ...... attacked by dogs while muzzled, she came to me terrified of a halti, any form of tie out or leash, any quick movement overhead or near her body and severely dog aggressive.
We said goodbye to her a year ago this Nov. 1 at the age of 12
Moses (now 5 yrs old) arrived in our life completely unplanned one week to the day after we lost Sasha. From what we can gather from his demeanor and the little we know of his life for the 9 months prior to coming to us..........he is permanently traumatized from being kept in a basement most of his life, he will not eat if his food is put in the kitchen, he will not approach within four feet a kitchen counter or appliance, any loud sharp noise will make him 'vaporize'.......he didn't know what another dog was, a toy, how to play, had never seen clouds, birds or any other 'normal' thing we take for granted. We drove 8 hours round trip to pick him up from a temporary foster who convinced the owner (his second) to hand him over to her rather than to the vet he had made an appointment with to have him 'put to sleep' (murdered) the day before we arrived.
"First they came for the Doberman Pinschers
and I didn't speak out because my dog was not a Doberman.
Then they came for the Rottweilers
and I didn't speak out because my dog was not a Rottweiler.
Then they came for the Pit Bulls
and I didn't speak out because my dog wasn't a Pit Bull.
Then they came for my dogs..."
Our dogs have all been rescues and rehomes........and all breeds deemed 'dangerous' somewhere. B.......S......L