"I was disappointed to see so many MM buckles, so many for sale cheap. Then Smrekar started pointing out more details
about my own buckle-ideas which were encouraging. He said my buckle was “cast very well,” noted its expected brass
weight, the fact that the MM figure had good dimensions, no damages shown. Then I looked even more closely and for
the first time noted that the very small clasp was lined, as in the deco style of the period for30’s items. Now I believe it unlikely that the buckle’s a fake, but genuine, in great shape. After all, it was protected, stashed safely for more than half a century somewhere in a vintage house. Value? Appraiser suggested $25.00- $60.00, but thought maybe, considering condition, starting at $100.00 at auction, might be smart." Article: Collecting Adventures by Rosemary Lee Potter
www.newportplaintal k.com/tearsheets/editions/npt...1.../A-09.pdf