I hope you are still out there looking, because I have a label inside my old violin. My father bought it for a couple dollars in a pawn shop in El Segundo, California for my 12th birthday. That is almost 60 years ago. It is hard to read because it was stored by my brother in a garage on the island of Guam for about 40 years and the cockroaches ate a lot of the paper off the case and part of the label in the violin. What I can see is: Antonins Stradiuarius Creinononsis Faciebat Anno 17
that part was covered by a label that has a date,1906. It is peeled away to reveal the above Antonins Stradiuarius . . . In other words it had two labels, one over the other and most of the top one dated 1906 is missing. Carved into the back of the neck scroll is; The Chadwick London Violin. The back is a one piece beautiful wood grain. I think maple, and the shape is very nice. My neice had it for while she was growing up and then my brother asked if I wanted it back. It is in good condition except for the roach damage to paper and the case. I think the case and bow are original. The case seems to be a thin fabric covering cardboard and wood frame - not fancy, but the latches work. The inside is a velvety (ugly) avacado green cordouroy . I just bought an antique wooden case to keep it in, but will save the old one. The violin and bow must be worth more than the $12.00 my dad paid.