Author Topic: Interesting Book Story.  (Read 10174 times)


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2013, 05:10:24 pm »
It's the people not the dogs.
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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2013, 09:43:03 pm »
Tell that to the parents of this child....and to every other set of parents the world over...that have lost a child to a family "pet"...its your fault "not the dogs"...its in every kill,..its the nature of the may be the most docile of creatures...but...a s they are all descendants from wolves...then...i,m afraid...your comment does,nt...hold water...
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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2013, 09:55:25 pm »
I hate to say your wrong. If you read the facts, these dogs are usually gotten from the pound. The people probably didn't have enough info about the dog and left their children alone with the dog without knowing it's bakground. Or, maybe the kids were taunting the dog. There are many reasons well documented. I've seen parents at a dog show walk up to a dog they don't even know and allow their children to walk up and put their faces right in the dogs face with the parent standing there. Who's foolish now. Dogs are animals people should treat them as such! I'm saying that quietly so my dogs don't hear that, lol.
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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2013, 10:20:32 pm »
I can see that you will never hear a bad word said about..a dog...well you,are welcome to your opinion as for the well documented reasons..,well for every good reason..there is an opposite...i could fill this page and the next..with the the one recently here in the UK..whereby..a one month old sleeping child was mauled to death by the family pet...which  i might add had been with this family from a pup...and it had never shown any aggression in the past.....No,ll have an answer for that....and then there,s the 327 child deaths in the U S more family pets....who no doubt were owned by...people who just did,nt know how to look after their pet pooch....
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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2013, 06:38:32 am »
What breed of dog did that Wullie ??  I wonder who in their right mind would leave a one month old child with a dog of any breed,, large, small or in between ?? 
When I was a kid the same thing was said about Chows then Shephards, then Dobies, then Rotties and now its Pits !!


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2013, 07:46:16 am »
The dog was a Jack Russell....and it was not left with the child...the parents were at home..and like most homes that i know where people have dogs...and children...the dog has the run of the point is Mart...any dog will turn...and there does,nt have to be a reason...its in them...take our dog for,ve seen the type she is...we,ve had her since she was 11 months old...and from 11 months until she was 6 years old...she,d lick you to death...we,ve had friends children dress her up in childrens clothes..she never barked.or growled .she came into a house where there were two resident problems.....until. ..3 months ago...she attacked our oldest cat antagonism from the cat...we were sitting watching television...and Bess was in her bed...Poppy walked past as she had done hundreds of times before....then out of the blue..and before Avril or I could react...Bess attacked Poppy..she grabbed her...and tossed the air...a greater shock we have never had...we were dumbfounded.....I grabbed Bess and chastised her...she slunk back to her bed..and remained there for a good while... ..she has not repeated this,..but we see her in a different light now...
I make no excuses,and no apologies....but i like a good Malt,


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2013, 04:57:05 pm »
I agree that its possible and would only change the  word " will attack" to "can attack" given the right circumstance !! Some of which we know and others we do not know !! I just don`t see all the blame given to some breeds !!


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2013, 07:59:11 am »
I guess I will hafta jump into this fracus and offer my learned opinion on a few of the comments in the above 2 posts.

But first I would like to say that if you want to make a dog “mean n’ vicious” to most anyone except the …. “hand-that-feeds-it”, …. then chain the dog up in an isolated spot and you will create the proverbial “Junkyard Dog”.
any dog will turn...and there does,nt have to be a reason...its in them...

There had to have been a reason, one just has to figure out what it was. Canines and Felines are natural “predator” competing enemies. One breed of German hunting dog is “graded” on how quick it can kill a cat.

Quote problems.....until. ..3 months ago...she attacked our oldest cat antagonism from the cat

Most dogs are unique among the animal world because they have a good memory and can “sense” things about another animal that others can not. Thus, your cat must have done something or was doing something that triggered the attack. HA, I agree with your dog. I’ll tolerate another person’s cat, but I don’t like any cat, period.
"can attack" given the right circumstance

Most any predator animal, including humans, “will attack” given the right circumstance. Perpetrators of “domestic violence” is not restricted to the males of the species. 

I just don`t see all the blame given to some breeds !!

Some breeds deserve all the blame …. because that is why they are the “breed” that they are.

They were “selectively” bred to have those “qualities”. Or to be more accurately stated, they were “selectively” bred because of the ease in “training” them to exercise said “qualities” via a “command” or “request” from their human mentor.

And just like the human animal, members of those “selective” breeds don’t always wait until they are told to “before they attack”.   

In closing I would like to caution all. If you experience or show any “signs” of fear or fright, ..... when in close proximity to one of those “attack” breeds …. you will likely be in dire trouble ..... if it is not “chained” or “caged”.

And that doesn’t exclude you iffen you are the one “holding the chain”.



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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2013, 08:24:37 am »
I totally agree with..what you have said about dogs having a good memory....many years ago..I had a was a young dog..10 months ..he was a very good trained...and good with my young day..whilst i was out exercising him...he saw another dog...and like all dogs he ran over to have a good sniff...but the other dogs owner...did,nt like...his pooch being sniffed by my dog...i was with a friend and for a moment or two i took my eye off our dog....then i heard a yelp...and looked over to where he was...and just saw the other owners leg moving backwards our dog..was in some distress...and crippling a little...i immediately ran over..and asked the other guy..what the hell he thought he was doing...his answer was a lot of effing and that my dangerous dog should be kept on a forward...6 months...i was in my local bar one night with my dog...he was lying at my feet....when all of a sudden he launched himself the length of the bar and clamped his teeth into a man,s leg...just behind the knee...i went over to  the guy turned round...with my dog still clamped to his leg....and lo and was the same guy...who had swung a kick at my dog 6 months before...."what goes around comes around"...i action was my dog had,nt drawn blood..he had just held..his tormentor....but..a fter that i kept him on a lead when in the bar....
I make no excuses,and no apologies....but i like a good Malt,


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2013, 08:54:24 am »
Paybacks are hell,, as they say in the south !!


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2013, 09:45:59 am »
Cogar do you work with dogs or are you a police officer? You seem very knowledgeable about dogs.
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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2013, 11:35:12 am »
First, to answer Greenacres question, .... "NO", I have only ever owned one (1) dog, the "story" of it I was just about to "post" in response to Bugwull's post.

And Greenacres, ..... I am a "science guy", by Degree a teacher of both physical and biological science, .... and by choice, a student of animal behaviors, including the human animal, and thus have great interest in the resolving of the "whys & what-fors" of their evolutionary evolved "personality" traits, as well as both their physical and mental ones. And by Profession career I was a "computer guy". But those are just two (2) of my many interests and talents. ;D ;D

Bigwull, I once had a kinda “frightening” experience.

I never really wanted an “in-house” dog or cat. That was until one day a good friend at work ask me if I would take his good friend’s dog who could no longer keep it in the City where he lived. I first said absolutely not. He kept pleading, saying the dog was older, house broken, gentle, kind, etc. and given the fact I lived out in the country, at the end of a “dead-end” road, I finally relented and agreed to take the dog home just to keep my friend happy ….. but knowing full well that if I couldn’t find someone to quickly give the dog to …. I would just shoot it and bury it out on the “back 40”.

Well now, said dog was far more than how my friend described it. It was a full-grown Registered female Collie of the “golden” long nosed breed and within 48 hours after I got her home, … “Lady”, which was her name, became a full-fledged member of the family. And around me, the wife, my young daughter and the dozens of relatives, friends and neighbors who might show up by invite or unexpectedly, Lady was the best mannered, happy, friendly, pleasing dog anyone would ever want to pet or hug. Lady actually loved it whenever someone came to visit.

And NEVER did I ever see Lady become irritated, grouchy, mean, defensive, threatening, etc., to anyone …… until one Sunny warm day we were outside in the yard and my daughter, who was about 3 at the time, was enjoying her “swing set” ….. and Lady was around the other side of the house doing something. And life “was good” …. until up my driveway (dead-end road) came this older model car ……. which stopped about 50 feet from where I was standing …. and out stepped this grungy looking dude with long hair and carrying what looked to be like a salesman’s folder of papers … and with a smile on his face started walking toward me.

Well now, bout that time Lady came running from around the other side of the house with her tail wagging in the air and a happy n’ friendly look on her face to greet our visitor. But just before she ran past me …. she got a “good look” at that dude and immediately slouched down to an “attack” position … with her tail straight out, … the hair on her neck and back standing straight up  …. her mouth open and teeth apply displayed ….and with a low “snarl” emitting from her throat as she headed straight toward that dude. But lucky for him I was close enough to grab Lady by her collar and hold her back.

That dude with a now fearful look of shock on his face says … “What’s the matter with that dog”, to which I answered, ….. “I really don’t have the faintest clue but I suggest you get back in you car and get the hell out of here before she manages to get loose from me”. And to this day I do not know what “trigger” Lady’s reaction. Maybe he had “devious intentions” for harming us or Lady remembered him or someone that looked like him that she hated with a passion. I just know Lady was as serious as a “heart attack” about taking a bite of flesh n' blood out of him ..... and would have if I had let go of her.   


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2013, 05:58:46 pm »
My friend heads the science dept. at Temple University. She's a very unusual person. Her husband is retired CIA. Cogar, I consider your dog doing it's job. He was protecting his pack from an unknown person, who obviously seemed suspicious.
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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2013, 07:04:33 pm »
When a dog does something like that,, you had better trust their instinct !!


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Re: Interesting Book Story.
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2013, 06:50:35 am »
Did ya'll ever hear this one about ..... "A man's dog is his very bestest friend ever"?

It's true ya know .... and if you don't believe me then ......

Let a man lock his wife up in one closet .... and lock his dog up in anotherr closet .... and then keep them both locked up for 4 hours.

Then let both of them out ..... and see which one is really glad to see him.   ;D ;D
