I,d say its the users mistake, as this topic has two different headings and two different posting times...see Antique topic..
Yup, 2 different times, ....... like
50 seconds apart. To wit:
on: April 21, 2013, 06:43:16 PM »
on: April 21, 2013, 06:44:06 PM »
I'm telling you now, it is either a "bug" in this site's picture upload program ...... or a "bug" in Microsoft's browser program on one's PC.
The A-S.com software on one's PC ..... either doesn't receive ...... or doesn't reognize .... the "upload complete" message and thus "hangs" there waiting for it.
So, its 1 of 3 faults, ...... either A-S.com is not responding with a "termination" message, ...... the MS-browser is not reacting to it ....... or one's ISP (internet service provider) is, per say,
trashing it ..... and one's PC never gets it.