No, no tears, least we know, its not,ferrous metal,..i.e. magnetic....from the pictures i see ,my head tells me Spelter, opposed to bronze,...sometimes known as .Poor man,s bronze..on the base where those little mounds are, you could scrape away, a little metal, if it is bronze then it will show, as a dull copper/brass colour, but if as i suspect,that its spelter, then the metal will be silvery coloured...these mounds are where the legs have been attached to the base...furthermore. ..just because you get a negative regarding its origin...does,nt mean...its worthless,..I like it, but, if it cost you an arm & a leg, and you bought it as a bronze...then i can understand your reaction....but if it was a reasonable price....then ..just enjoy it.....its not always about...$$$$