If someone has an intent to do harm they will find a way !! Here in our area gun crime is highly unlikely when Texans are known to shoot back !! Where most of the gun crime happens are the areas more highly controlled !! Its pretty common to hear shots around here !! Sometimes Hubby fires off a few rounds just to let everyone know he is still here !!
LOL That is very true Mart. Here in Texas, whether we live in the Metroplex/suburbs or out in the country, the right to bear arms is practiced! And, because of that I do think there is alot of respect and responsibility taught/learned with most people. I know that I was and I do reserve the right.
Now, I was staying out of the discussion but have to stand up for the term Wullie on this one. Believe me, I have butted heads with our Scottish Pal on open forum and off..and we have always had a healthy respect for each others' views (well..most of the time)! He wasn't meaning ill will and the "they" he was referring to is the 3 heads on the item! In PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and CRANIOFACIAL ANTHROPOLOGY there have been 3 general subtypes of racial/body feature classification: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. (Search this if you need and for a easily readible version you can look to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negroid.) If you will learn something from this forum - it is that there are many things that have occurred in history (in this case terminology) that has become "touchy" and politically incorrect or bordering on. (I have adopted children that would be termed Mongoloid and they wouldn't be crazy about being referred to as a Mongol - but they have Mongoloid features because it was associated to the classification of facial/racial features and started in the area of Mongolia. I also have a brother-in-law that would be termed in the Negroid features and he wouldn't like derogatory remarks made at all - but understands the classification. ) That being said this forum attempts to identify and explain the true nature of items and their relations - without trying to malicious. Even that said, the classifications of physical anthropology remain the same - feelings hurt or not. If anyone knows of a new classification, please let me know and reference it. Sorry, off the soap box. (I know Wullie you are shocked I did this! Sorry...had to say something.) This site is all about learning about an item and it's origin...let's try and find out about it...