Hmmm... @ this point the only items I'll speculate upon would be the 4-piece set of items ... I believe that they are a complete set (for one storm window/screen) of hardware that was used for the purpose of a 'hanger' for exterior wooden-framed seasonal treatments (as was the custom in the Mid-West , even when I was a kid) for casement windows .
The smaller pieces would be screwed to the trim of the house/buildings' window casings , and the longer ones would be screwed to a framed 'storm' window for the cold months , and the matching wood-framed screen would be used in it's stead , when the weather warms up . Usually had a steel 'screen-door' type of hook & eye (or two) to hold the things snug to the window frame .
Is it still a winter/spring ritual out thataways , the changing & stacking of the storms & screens , rustyattic ??