Thanks greenacres, I'll do that now!
In searching ebay, I see other Berkey and Gay furniture between 400 and 1000, but these are only postings, and not items sold. I haven't seen any sold recently, so I'm guessing that means it might be valued less? I also saw a slightly fancier pair of twin beds from Berkey and Gay for $1,450, but again that's just the price the seller listed at... no one actually bought it at that price.
As for the H Herrmann (I'm finding that sometimes I have to search H Hermann instead), there's a recent ebay listing for $1075, but again no one actually bought it... it was just listed at that price.
If we're trying to sell to an antique shop, how do we make sure we're getting somewhat of a fair value? I know they obviously need ot make their money too, but we don't want to get ripped off either.