This hour glass belonged to my grandmother. She knew a lot about antiques and had them all over the house. But this hour glass was especially well guarded. She passed away when I was young so I don't remember the story of it's origin. Now my mother is not capable of remembering, but this hourglass has stayed well guarded over these many years, with the only info about it is that my mother says it belongs in the Smithsonian...I have tried to research it, but have reached no results on historical hourglasses....I would like to sell it, because my life has changed gears into 'get rid of' mode and I'm not wanting to be the 'guard' anymore...It's primitively made with no marks to research, metal construction, the glass appears hand blown, amber colored sand....The way the metal stand is built, and the supports for the glass, are different than any other hourglass I've seen. Could that be a factor in determining it's age and origin?