Author Topic: Question about crack/cut in old leather chair  (Read 5256 times)


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Re: Question about crack/cut in old leather chair
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2015, 07:50:06 am »
It's real easy to crack very dry leather , esp when it's stretched over a flexible substrate .... (it happens with old sports mitts , boxing gloves , furniture & all sorts of stuff) a quick blow , or a quick flop on a chair can do the job in no time flat .
Dry rot can be a problem too , in some climates , living/hiding on the split side & out of sight . >:(

If your item is really that dry , oil , oil & oil some more ! ;)

Aside from it having a blem , I hope you love sitting in your chair , capn !

Thank you!
I do really like the chair, I think that's why I'm trying so hard to figure out if I'm the one who damaged it!
But it's really only cosmetic...I guess I just need some time to get over it