Author Topic: Hendryx brass bird cage  (Read 7837 times)


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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2015, 06:05:51 pm »

Is Morse chair a brand name or do you mean Morris Chair?

A Morris chair is an early type of reclining chair. The design was adapted by William Morris's firm, Morris & Company, from a prototype owned by Ephraim Colman in rural Sussex, England. It was first marketed around 1866.

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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2015, 07:07:28 pm »
Thanks Mart!  Thanks everyone!  I will continue to research.  I would love to know about when it was made.  You guys have been great!  I have been reading the other questions and am learning so much.  This forum is the best!  I will soon be having to sell some items of my aunt's.  She has a few pieces that she inherited from her husbands family.  One is a Morse chair.  So far I haven't found one that looks like this one.  There are no markings on it.  This for another time though.  Thanks again y'all!

You mean Morris Chair ??  There are many different styles of those !!  Will wait to see it !!


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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2015, 07:22:09 pm »
Yes I meant Morris chair!  I really should check how my phone auto corrects before I post.  Lol!  Thanks for the correction!  My aunt said her mother in law told her it was over 100 years old.  Who knows!  I feel certain its been recovered at some point.  My issue is I haven't really read enough about the history of them to know anything yet.  I was just throwing it out there as a possible new question in the near future.  Lol!  It isn't marked anywhere.  Again thanks for seeing my typo.  Its not like I didn't know, I have looked at 100's on line over the past months to find one that looks like this one.  The arms are smooth with no "peg".  Anyway, I will search some more and then post a picture when I'm searched out.  Thank you!
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2015, 07:11:44 am »

Here is an excellent article on the evolution of the Morris chair !!  Gives you an idea of the number of different designs there are !! The top pic is from 1865 and is how the original Morris Chairs looked !!


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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2015, 06:35:53 am »
Thanks Mart!
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2015, 08:40:51 am »
Update on the bird cage!!!  I decided to have my sister put this cage on her shop just to see if there would be any takers.  After y'alls responses and much research we thought it worth the gamble!  We put what we thought a really out there price on it.  $936.  I didn't buy it for resale as I am not in the business anymore but just thought it might be fun to see if there was any response.  Could also use the money if it did sell at that price.  Lol!  Google had it within 2 hours and her first response was in 2 days.  An avid Hendryxs collector was totally amazed and was going to show it to her friends who were also collectors.  She said she had never seen this cage in all of her years of collecting.  She didn't question the price.  She also asked if my sister would ship to Alaska.  The next day a man from a new Museum that opened in April of this year contacted her.  The Museum of Aquarium and Pet History.  He offered $600.  My question is should I hold out for my price with the attention from the collector or do I counter the museum?  At any rate my $30 is turning out to be a huge investment for something I was going to use as bed room decor.  Lol!  Sometimes it pays to buy what you love.  Not very often though.  Am I being greedy?  Really what would y'all do?
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2015, 09:48:10 am »
My belief on that is simple,, if the first person inquired with a serious offer,, that should come first !! Honesty and integrity is important in this business !!  You put a price on it,,I would say honor that price, then if it falls through, go to next on the list !!  I don`t see playing people just for more money !!  The museum probably has limited funds,, Check them out on google before making a decision there !!  Make sure they are who they say they are !! I always give those that make serious inquiries X amount of time before going to the next one !! Not ebay of course but other sales where I have control !!


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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2015, 11:01:50 am »
Thanks Mart!  The first inquirer did not make an offer but was very interested.  The second inquirer was the museum @ $600.  I did check them out but found only that they had just opened this past April.  I would never play games so to speak but am wondering if I should contact the collector who first inquired to let them know there was an offer but not reveal how much.  I am excited on the one hand that it could be in a museum possibly forever.  He did say his museum web site would be up and running the first of the year.  I will give my sister the answer today as to what I want her to do.  Her premium is going to be awesome either way!  Thanks again Mart!
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2015, 12:35:45 pm »
That would be fine !!  Let the first one know and ask them if they would like to make an offer !!  No, do not give amounts offered !!  Ebay doesn`t !!  Fairness is just giving everyone equal opportunity !!


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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2015, 03:00:35 pm »
That is what I want to be is fair.  Thanks for confirming my thoughts.  Have a wonderful day!
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2015, 04:55:05 pm »
How exciting!!!!  Let us know how it goes!  Pretty good investment at that!  :)

I am also for keeping integrity in a business that isn't always known for that.  Takes just one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch (makes me think of an old Michael Jackson song!  LOL)
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2015, 05:09:42 pm »
I am a bit excited KC but learned in business a long time ago to not count my chickens before they have hatched!  Lol!  It is my sister's shop so I would never make  decision that would jepordize her 4star rating.  She said she would contact the first person to give them a chance to make an offer and then counter the museum slightly.  We started this business together years ago but due to a family crises I backed out.  She has done much better by herself as she doesn't have to split profits.  I love that she loves it so much!  I will let you know the outcome.  😁
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2015, 11:53:53 pm »
Wishing you two all the best!
I'm from the South - but please don't mistake my Southern Manners/Accent/Charm as a weakness!


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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage-UPDATE
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2016, 04:57:50 pm »
So I decided to sell the Hendryx bird cage to the Museum of Aquarium and Pet History!  How greedy could I get anyway!  Lol!  Now it will stand as it should and be admired by many hopefully for years to come.  It is located in Paso Robles, CA.  They are to go online this Spring.  I'm not sure when they will open the doors.  Again I want to thank all of you who advised me on this.  BTW, the money's "in the bank"!!!!!   😁
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Re: Hendryx brass bird cage
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2016, 06:16:29 pm »
Excellent decision any way you look at it !!  You made a good profit,, they got something they needed !!