don’t be fretting about the spelling of my last name or the pronunciation of it. Like they say, ……. “call me anything except late for a cold beer”.
The name is originally German, as per an ancestry web link, and dates back to a Claus Koger who was born in 1572. And as his descendents migrated into western Europe and then to America the spelling of the name changed according to “who” was writing it down on paper.
Ya gotta remember, very few people could read or write in those days but most all knew how to pronounce or say their name. Thus, when said person got married, bought property, booked passage, got arrested, etc., the spelling of their name was at the discretion of the literate person that was writing it on the document. And if the linage of the literate person was German then the name was spelled with a “K”, and if English it was spelled with a “C” and the remaining spelling was whatever the literate person thought it should be. And from that time onward that is “who” you were ….. as long as you had that document or a copy of it (even if you couldn’t read what was written on it).
Thus said, the spelling of my last name was originally Koger, but over the past 400 years the spelling of it has morphed into several different spellings such as: Kogar, Kowger, Kowgar, Kougar, Cogar, Coger, Cowger, Cougar, etc. HA HA,
… one time a person wrote my name as Sam Gocar.
But technically, none of the above really matters simply because I am not a Cogar or a descendent of said Claus Koger, …. nor was my father, my grandfather or my g-g-g-grandfather.
YA’ll have a good day and I thank you for your comments about my collection of graniteware. I’ll try to post pictures of some more of my “goodies” as time goes by.