Author Topic: Antique huge Tureen Price needed  (Read 1067 times)


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Antique huge Tureen Price needed
« on: August 24, 2005, 01:45:31 pm »
Hi, I have inherited a huge and beautiful Antique Tureen (ServingBowl) plus the platter and the top.  It measures to bottom and across.  My husband believes its a foreign piece, china, japan.  it is primarily a bone white color and then is surrounded by cobolt blue and redish circle around the rim of all the pieces and has some gold motiff around the same area; its got a few scribble like lines around the outside in gold and a few flowers and designs; but it's not covered in flowers, etc.  On the Lid to the Tureen is like a coat of arms in the golds, blues and reds and light brown and above the crest is written :  QVINQVE COROVA     in all caps. There is a swoard (sp?) and a cross coming out of a dish  and my husband says its got something on it called griffon    Any help would be so appreciated!  I have researched for twenty hours for this tureen and two other items i'll talk about another time.  My email (I am new to this so I guess it is okay to give my email out) it's   if you can be of ANY help whatsoever!!!! Thanks Sabrina