Gerspee, I am familiar with “molds”, be they cookie molds, plastic injection molds, fishing “sinker” molds, bullet molds, decorative food molds, silver/gold jewelry molds, plaster-of-Paris molds, etc.
Some fishing “sinker” molds are made so that one can “cast” different or multiple “size/shape/weight” lead sinkers at the same time ….. because
the same fisherman uses different or multiple “size/shape/weight” lead sinkers during the same fishing day and/or on different fishing days.
But now, bullet molds are
a different “animal” ….. due to the fact that each “black powder” gun owner
also owned a bullet mold for casting a “bullet” or multiple “bullets” of the same caliber … as the caliber of the gun he owned.
Now all Native American Indian tribes had one or two “flint-nappers” that produced multiple types of “flint” projectile points, etc., for the bows n’ arrows and spears owned by other members of said tribe.
But now, the early (1400 to 1800) Europeans or European Americans did not have one or two “bullet-molders” that produced multiple types (calibers) of “lead” projectile points, etc., for all the different caliber pistols and rifles that were owned by other members/residents of their village, town or locale.
But now iffen your item is an actual “bullet mold” …. then my guess is that it was “specific” for producing ……. “
grapeshot”, ….. to wit: