The signature is Frank Dean
It is similar to a few of his paintings
If you read my post, i said it might not have been painted by Frank Dean
To say that signature doesn't even come close is incorrect. The same " font ", the same drop on the K.
He painted some very grand, expansive paintings but i've appraised and valued enough in my time to know that saying this isn't him could be a mistake similar to which you warned Mat about in another thread.
Still not convinced.
A signature is like a fingerprint and gives away clues, Ive copied the picture and draw over it and was not a match. Best way to identify a signature.
BenBenny, you need to look for a artist that signs his first name with a loop in the letter K, Frank Dean never used a loop in the K, not in a early period and also not in a later period. Think the last name should end with double LL or TT, could also be a H. Also not sure his last name starts with the letter D, it looks more like a P or a R, difficult to tell.
Think your right about the date after a signature, can see something what looks like the number 02 to me but not sure.
Use the same method shown below and I'm sure you will find out who the artist is. Take a sheet of paper and write down the possibilities and go trough them one by one. There are plenty website artist databases like FINDARTINFO, ARTNET, ARTPRICE which you can use, you can't use all the tools on thsee websites if your not subscribed but you can do general artist searches. It would be ideal if you know somebody who is native French. They have more experience with French lastnames and can help you on the right way