I re-caned a chair for a good friend that had to be "re-woven". I didn't know anything about "caning" so when I ordered my supplies ...... I also bought a "how to" book.
I have re-caned 2 or 3 chairs for “re-sale” via use of the “pre-woven” cane.
When doing the 1st one, I quickly realized I needed a “special” tool to speed up the process.
“HA”, the process of removing the “glued-in” spline from the groove in the chair.
So what I did was take one of my small diameter “long-shafted” screwdrivers, like pictured here:
And I ground the front of it down so that the width of the “blade” …. fit the width of the “groove” in the chair …… then I ground a “bevel” on the blade to make it
extremely “sharp” ….. and then I put
a 30 degree bend about 5/8” back of the blade tip.
The end result was, …. I had myself a “sharp” pry-bar that quickly made “short-work” out of removing the old caning and spline from the groove in the chair.