Not long ago I re-posted my Corolene vase, which I had posted some years before, in hopes of getting some new info on it . Y'all responded and gave some new clues on it so I am posting again my family religeous icon of the Virgin Mary. It became my mother's when my grandmother passed on when I was very young and upon my mother's passing it was mine. I had always thought of it as being of Irish extraction, and so represented it as such in my first posting. Now my main search is for estimates about when this icon could have been made. Someone on the forum set me straight (I seem to remember it was KC) and said the icon was not Irish and was French. This started a search of obits and to my surprise found my g-grandmother was Mary (Marie?) Monteul of France, and g-grandfather was John Howard of Ireland. So the icon could have been made before 1800. Ms Monteul could have been born around 1830.
The back plate of the icon appears ancient. Could some of you make an estimate of just how old this is? Thanks for any opinions.