I have loved Chinese antiques for years and have my bedroom decorated with them. They have appreciated in value so much in the last couple of years that I rarely buy them anymore.
But last week I did. I was walking through an antique store, happened to glance down and saw this very old, hand painted foo dog looking up at me. I thought for sure it was a repro but I picked it up, looked it over, and took it straight to the counter to ask what they wanted for it.
It was part of an estate of a lady who was a world traveler, and hadn't been priced or researched yet. I told them I was seriously interested, so we got right on the computer and did the research right there in the shop!
It is a joss stick (stick incense) holder used on alters dating 1830-1850. They are typically larger than this one, about 6". Mine is about half that size. Foo dogs are in pairs, and this on is missing it's mate. A pair of large ones can be priced at several thousand, but they aren't selling. They are selling for $500-$900.
So we had one of a pair, no chips or damage, smaller than usual. I paid $300, which I thought was a fair retail price.
Sometimes an old foo dog just follows you home!