Author Topic: Question about antique wall hanging.  (Read 1001 times)


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Question about antique wall hanging.
« on: October 01, 2006, 06:35:13 pm »
I have a peice that hangs on the wall, I am not sure if it is an antique or a remake or something modern made to look old, I bought it merely because I liked the way it looked, but curiousity gets the best of me and I want to know which of the above categories it falls under.  Any information would be most appreciated.


This peice can be hung from the wall, it apears to be made of ceramic or of like material, it is very heavy.  The color is cream or ivory and has touches of gold paint, The image is of a woman (in what I believe to be colonial style dress) seated side saddle on a horse, it is very detailed, behind her is a scene of trees and possibly a church or some building.  The scene is all carved or molded, in place of where the sky would be is blank but a peice of dark velvet type cloth covers the opening makeing it apear to be night time (if this was originally on it or added later I do not know) I can't seem to find a company or artist name anywhere on it.

Sorry for the horrible description, I will try and post a photo of he item later.  Any help would be great!  Thanks!



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Question about antique wall hanging.
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2006, 01:48:36 pm »
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 01:49:33 pm by TheHighQueen »