Author Topic: UK eBay makes your dreams come true  (Read 4646 times)


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UK eBay makes your dreams come true
« on: April 12, 2008, 08:56:55 am »
Internet is the best stage for those dream-chasers.
You can do everything you want. Want to be rich?
Just follow some simple steps and your dreams come true.

The legal system of UK is a flawed one which is really lenient.
And you can apply a student or visiting visa easily.
Then find a share house or any kind of offices which is near a post office.
The ideal locations are Newcastle and London, which is closest to the airport and the delivery can be made ASAP.

Get eBay accounts now.
Remember you must have multiple accounts.
You should get one account only on each computer and different sets of personal data should be used so that you'll not be identified to be a holder of multiple accounts

(In case one of your accounts are in trouble and suspended due to any reason, it's very hard for you to get a new one immediately and this is related to the working attitude of UK eBay and will be discussed later).

Get a savings account from a bank and a PayPal account too.
Then you can start your business right now.
You now should try to purchase some goods at a low cost.
Don't worry, it's not that hard.
Many sellers on eBay are purchasing cheap mobile phone accessories from mainland China.

Don't care about whether it's authentic or not.
Our customs do not even know how to distinguish between the authentic and fake ones.
Any mobile phone batteries or earphones or crystal hard case or something else will do.
A certain item which costs 1-2 yen can sell at 4-5 pounds in UK!
The profit of selling one item is not so much, but how about 500 items a day?

The net profit per day is huge.
You need not pay any tax.
Post offices don't care about what you're doing, but they care only about the selling of stamps and you need not worry about being doubted.
The profit you make can be sent back to your home country completely. If you sell diverse type of items on different accounts, you'll be rich definitely.
Maybe you are worrying about the issue on your visas.
But that's a piece of cake indeed.
If you want to extend your visiting visa, just leave UK for a few days and back to UK, and your visiting visa will be extended for a half year automatically.
A student visa ensures that you can stay in UK for a few years.

Want to run your business even longer?
Just find a partner who is a UK resident.
Then you can control the eBay account at your home country, while your partner can help you with the wholesaling of the goods from you.
Imagine a Chinese can have a profit of one pound per item.
If he or she can sell 300 items a day, then profit of 9000 pounds can be made each month, which is comparable to the income of him or her for at least half a year in China.
As you can withdraw the money from your PayPal account to any accounts of you around the world, you can make profits and get back all of them!

It is true that there're some mafias in eBay.
They try to be the monopoly by gaining more and more feedbacks, and some of them have millions of feedbacks, shoeing that they're the one.
If your selling price is of a higher competitive power, they will kick you out by various justifiable means.
They know clearly about the rules and regulations of eBay, as well as the legal system in UK.
On eBay, they can simple complain you and lower your reputation on eBay.

What we can do is that we should never sell items at a very low price, and we should not use photos and descriptions of other sellers. As we don't cause them trouble, we'll be free from trouble too.
This always happen in the business world and not something unique on eBay.
As mentioned before,
UK buyers only interest in the number of feedbacks of the seller,
not the quality of the products they sell.
And concerning the quality of goods, no one can make effective complaints to eBay.
The customers can only express their discontent by giving a negative feedback.

UK EBay is the least reliable online business system at all.
Their officers rarely deal with complaints.
They've undergone little training and it's very hard for them to distinguish between the authentic and the fake ones.
Once I saw that a 20 pound mobile phone battery costs only 2 pounds on eBay and I expressed my concern to the UK eBay.
Their promise that they'll deal with it within 2 days, but there're no responses actually.
This demonstrates their laziness and incapability to cope with serious legal issues.

What drives me crazy is that an officer replies me on the phone about those concerns I raised above, saying that they simply cannot interfere too much as there're too many eBay users.
In fact that's correct. Without those users around the world, the organization will no longer be profitable.
For the sake of their income, UK eBay turns a blind eye to questionable items being sold.

Up to now you may doubt that why their identity have still not been revealed (as they're students/ visitors who cannot do business in UK)?
You can take a look at various eBay sections.
Take mobile phone accessories as an example.
You can see that the writing style of English is definitely not the original British one, and it's very close to the Asian one.
You may also check the IP address of the sellers as they reply your question.

Those IP may not be in UK too, which shows that they can continue with their business in UK even in their hometown or somewhere else.
For the UK eBay, what's the most important is that you regularly pay the membership fee to them and obey the written rules.
They simply don't care your action afterwards.
It's OK even if you leave UK afterwards as you can still run it by cooperating with those staying in UK (e.g. students).
the more the feedbacks you get, the more secure your business is.
Just make sure you deliver the orders on time and everything's fine.

The quality of your goods should be up to a level that the customers cannot distinguish between the real and the fake ones.
For example, it's absolutely legally justifiable if I sell a counterfeit battery without stating that it is the original product from Sony Ericsson.
A few final remainders for you: make sure that the buyers are satisfactory.
It's easy to achieve.

Just get a nice package for your goods, deliver them on time and make sure they receive them. And bear in mind that racial discrimination exists in UK eBay.
The original local British sellers and sellers with very high number of feedbacks are protected officially in UK eBay.
If you do not belong to any one of these two classes, then you should be careful with that.
Hinder your identity as an Asian, African and so on (if you are) by using an IP address in UK (which can be done outside UK by your partners) when necessary.

Mind your writing style in English too.
It need not be flawless in terms of grammar, just talk in the British way.
Last but not least, make sure you have multiple UK eBay accounts to avoid you business being delayed.

Why hesitate? Join eBay in UK right now!!!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 05:13:38 am by ukbesthelper »


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UK eBay makes your dreams come true
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2009, 06:29:53 am »
I doubt that eBay will charge your card if you dont owe anything.  Most]places[/url] wont remove the credit card information.

Its more important to figure out what you were listing that got you suspended.

Was it VeRO?


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Re: UK eBay makes your dreams come true
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2009, 08:17:47 am »
Dunno why OP is crying his eyes out *here* of all places but it seems that a spoiled kid smacked face-on into reality and then overreacted. A few points OP mentioned clearly show he has no idea of either Brit (or any) law as well as the so-called 'user agreement' between customers and eBay Inc. For example The legal system of UK is a flawed one which is really lenient. - all examples in that direction also fall true for European, US or any other law, so that point is rubbish.

UK EBay is the least reliable online business system at all. Their officers rarely deal with complaints. They've undergone little training and it's very hard for them to distinguish between the authentic and the fake ones. Oi, neither Brit eBay nor anyone else like the Polish sister Allegro or the Swedish one have 'officers'; they are in no way law-enforcement folk but merely badly paid "case examiners" (read as : underpaid rightless m*rons)  who can if they find something ugly report it to their case manager who may or may not decide to do something. The case examiners are not trained at all regarding specific areas of forgery; they could not for example correctly identify a fake Wedgwood bowl if it was marked as such - but frankly that is not their job.

As for being miffed that people offer 2 bob batteries that normally cost 20 ... buyer beware? (foreign lingo: "caveat emptor") Who is stupid here: the guy who offers such dreck or the dude greedy enough to fall for it? Of course the guy next door selling you the year old Ferrari for 5,000 bling is of course a serious guy, right? It's your responsibility to avoid such sales with obvious trapdoors, just like with every normal day shop purchase. If you fall for such obvious scams ... you deserve it.

A certain item which costs 1-2 yen can sell at 4-5 pounds in UK! ... Shows how far out you are as 7 Yen are 2 US cents. When you are talking cheapo imports, those come from China and the Phillipines which predominantly use Yuan and 6,8 Yuan RMB are $1. Nonetheless: get your info straight when playing with examples.

I'll cut the rest short. All points I see there come from differences between you and the eBay world. As you became an eBay member you have read and agreed to their terms and conditions, thus you accepted all the bull you are now complaining about. Hollering now only shows that you (a) did not give a darn to read them or (b) never understood what you were signing anyway.

Sorry if I am causing you an headache, but you started it - prolly just like you got into trouble on eBay in the first place.

Have a nice day and thanks for the fish!


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UK eBay makes your dreams come true
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2009, 11:44:56 pm »
Ebay should change Feedback Back to orginal policy 
tomg152  267  View Listings  Report  Jun-10-08 06:08 PDT 
Since ebay has changed its policy there are two major things that have changed. The buyers feel free to leave negitive feedback for any reason and are finding no reason to pay on time. Payment on Time is the most important.