Yea, a wonderful tip, KC. I will have to keep this in mind. Thanks for all the tips, but she has managed to remove it the old fashion hard way, Then she used a refinishing rub stuff
, and it is looking wonderful. She is a whirl wind when she get a project in mind. Maybe I'll have to take a few pics of it and post her progress. For now she just wants to get looking good and then later think about a total refinish. It does have a few Cigarette burns on the top, but other then that looks 500% better then my Saunders Press board one I got, that cost me $75.00. Feel like a fool now, can get better looking and older furniture for cheaper then the new crap. I think I will be looking into replaceing all my furniture. Once again thanks and all you folks rule
, really am so happy to be apart of Antique History in the making