I have a carriage clock which was in my mother's possession. It was in a room, which was rented by a gentleman, as a sleeping room. One day he left and never came back, leaving a few clothes and this clock. It appears to be an exact replica of an antique carriage clock with two differences, it is electric, and has riveted to the back a plaque about 3/4" X 2" with the volts and cycles shown and the inscription: Hand made case by R. J. Moffatt, Wilmington, Vermont. It is all very professionally made. The gold color silk electric cord that came with it was in bad shape, wire showing in two places. Fortunately I found a small amount of this type of cord in an antique store and replaced it.
I have looked around for the name R. J. Moffatt, and closest was the Social Security Death List shows a Robert Moffett b. 1905 d. 1975 and issued in Vermont.
This clock is about 8" high and 4" square, round dome and looks like lathe turned legs. Body of case is formed by four brass panels which fit together perfectly. Still keeps perfect time. I tried to show pictures but each time the window comes up with: "photo file is full, try reducing size of photo or call an administrator." Would anyone know anything about the history behind this clock? Thanks