Well, I sent the following email to the seller. He does accept returns, but "within 7 days." I don't know if that's 7 days from payment or 7 days from receiving the item. I'll let you all know his response. Oh, and under the Ebay section that says, "Original or Reproduction" he did put, "Original."
Hey, I received my bell a few days ago. I noticed that a few of the parts look new so I posted the bell on an antique forum. Many of the antique dealers and collectors told me this item isn't really an antique, and definitely isn't from the revolutionary war. I really like the way the bell looks, even though it isn't old. I don't believe you are a crook or a scam artist, so I did not want to just go leave you a negative feedback. I felt like I'd ask you a few questions first to be fair. Can you tell me everything you know about the bell and where you got it from? Any information would be great. I wouldn't even be totally heartbroken if the bell turned out to be only 50 years old. Also, is it too late to return it? Since it was listed as an original revolutionary war bell and it isn't that old, would you be willing to take a couple dollars off instead of me returning it completely? Like I said, it's cool looking, but not what I expected. Please let me know your thoughts and opinions! Thanks, Jessica