pek12g, hopefully these links will be of some assistance to you. If you search Rudolph Wurlitzer further, you may learn more.
April, 1923 Advertisement for The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company. The Virtual Piano Shop: from the UK Piano Page;topic=5917.0;num_replies=0"There was a Strad Piano Co. established in Cincinnatti in 1860, and there also appear to have been Strad pianos made in Scotland around the 1880s"
"Strad was one of the names used by WurliTzer, especially on player pianos."
Taken from Whatsitworthtoyou.c
Franz Rudolph WurlitzerBorn in Schoeneck, Germany, immigrated to America in 1853. Founded the company which bears his name in 1856 was the father of three sons, who followed him in business. His early efforts contributed greatly to the birth and development of music as an industry in the United States.
All pianos manufactured under the trade name of “Wurlitzer”. The names listed below were controlled by Wurlitzer prior to 1937: Apollo, Julius Bauer & Company, Melville Clark, DeKalb, Farney, Kingston, Student Butterfly Clavichord, Kurtzmann, Merriam, Schaff Bros., Spineete
Strad and Underwood. Wurlitzer bought the Chickering name in 1985. Also made the Wurlitzer Electronic Piano. In 1990 the Wurlitzer factory was located in Holly Springs, Miss. In 1995 Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. purchased Wurlitzer and Chickering."