1874-1905 SPIDER & WEB This emblem of a spider in a web seems to be limited to the #8 “ERIE” skillet and the size #7, 8 or 9 “Erie” teapots. On the skillet bottom, following the curve of the skillet, is the large lettering “ERIE”. Additionally, in the center of the skillet bottom is a spider web, with a spider whose body is made of a skillet with the word ERIE inside it. The big “ERIE” is frequently in better condition than the spider logo because “ERIE” was incised while the spider logo was raised and so came in direct contact with the surface of the stove, causing wear on it from the frequent movement across the stove. It is difficult to find one of these skillets with the spider logo in excellent condition. Nevertheless, any of the spider logos, both good and just decent, are in big demand.
One in excellent condition sold on eBay the end of Dec. for $1500. That was the winning bid. Other bids were grouped in the $600-900 range. It is odd the "I" in ERIE is worn because that lettering is incised. Is the "I" pitted? Any hairline cracks anywhere? I am not an expert on cast iron but I would expect your skillet to be in the $600-900 range unless you can find 2 bidders to duke it out for top dollar. A scarce old Griswold skillet by any means.