7. Here also you want to make sure you also in another file save a thumbnail. In a folder save the 1st overall good pic with the title being the same as
the item. This is your thumbnail, small pic of the items, so when you need to find the item by visual, needing to see the item, you can find the file
name, cue card, and even in which box it is in.
8. Next in the same file as the product pic, open a text Doc. page. Here is where you write first your Tags (Plate, Luncheon, Johnsons and Sons, Royal impressions, and etc). Tags are very important for customer finding your item. Ebay has a 50 letter limit, but write as many as possible.
9. Research - Now spend a little time looking around for more info - Don't get caught up in over a hour (unless it is worth It). First take your Tags and copy and paste this to the ebay search engine. Note this is a good test of your tag, see what comes up, note the number and values, maybe consider changing tags to get better result. Then poke around the net for a few minutes
10. Write description now in the text file of the item write the description of the item, with what you now know, don't forget to write down the measurement and weight of the item.
11. Now the Log. Create a log just a simple spread sheet with title, tags and location (which box it is in) price paid and what ever else you wish. Mine is a complex thing that woulul take a chapter on it .