"Hartman Krug, a cabinetmaker of German heritage, founded Krug Inc. in 1880. He started his own small factory in Berlin, Ontario (renamed Kitchener in 1919) and by the turn of the century was producing several product lines, which included upholstered office chairs and hand carved residential furniture, out of a massive four story plant on Ahrens Street.
Krug's attention to detail and quality was the force behind its popularity within Canada. Steam-bent and hand-carved pieces were the trademarks of a company whose goal was to create an elegant and lasting product. In the 1930's, Krug was producing office and contract chairs and tables exclusively, and in the war years of 1939 to 1945, virtually all the company's production was for the Canadian government's war effort. In the post-war boom period, Krug's output grew rapidly to supply a market in which office furniture was in high demand."
Their catalogue from 1913, too early for yours I would say. (But fun to look through
http://www.archive.org/stream/krugfurniture00kruguoft#page/n3/mode/2upEven more fun......but much further away from the date you'd want (1894 catalogue) **oops, had to correct that date
http://www.archive.org/stream/krugbrotherscata00kruguoft#page/n0/mode/2upI'd have to go with wayward on the price range. I've spotted ads from $60 to $95 (asking prices) and came across a blogger who had picked one up off Craigslist for $15 (needed refinishing). These prices span from Ontario to BC. The blogger also mentioned that the same style reproduction at Pottery Barn was going for $399. Sad that they can ask prices like that for what is most likely lesser quality.