"Journal of Abnormal Psychology began publication with the April 1906 issue. In 1921, it changed its name to The Journal of Abormal Psychology and Social Psychology, and in 1925 it became The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. In 1965, it resumed the name The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, and is still published under that name today."
Publications such as yours are very scarce and rarely seen in entirety*....yours for age and usage is in good condition. There are many "Psycho's" (for fun of a playful term) that are professionals in the field that would love to have copies. Apparently there is only one full collection that is available from 1914 to 1916 in archives and that is of Vol X. So far have only been able to find reference to the Doris Fischer, the German lady, who possessed a quintuple personality referenced to this particular volume and just that article is available for reprint online for $11.00.
Unless you can find a outlet to the professional/trade Ebay will most likely be your best outlet. I would, however, try and find a rare books trader and get information from them before pursuing this avenue.
(Yes, I have a degree in Psych - that is why I am nutty ya'll!)