This is what makes this forum tick so Gooood
. Amazing the amount of Mr. Peanut stuff and the current collectablity of it. Sure wish I saved my Mr. Peanut stuff. Just the Ebay listing alone tells the tale. 15 Pages of Completed Auctions over the last 60 days, sure looks like about 15% of these items sell. Some nice $$$.00, but mostly $$.00 to $.00, but some of these items was made Just recently even, my goodness last Decade stuff is a hit
, make me want to go buy a case just to save for 10 years.
but by that time something like my old Starbucks cups will be in. I did find 2 like yours before giving up on the mountain of Peanuts, One went for around $50.00, the other the Reserve not met at around 60.00. Then the links post from sapphire tells another tale. Either way I'm still in peanut recovery right now
I just want to thank Krickard for posting this item it has taught us all something. Most of all to save all those Starbuck Cups, heck better save it all
. On a serious note your item look way more older then 95% of the items I saw. Great Item for sure