Hi...I cook everyday on a 1948 Frigidaire electric stove...It has 2 ovens, 1 large burner, 2 smaller burners, and a dropin steam pot (I have no idea what this is really called!)... It came with the old house I live in, and looks to weigh about a ton...
I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere to buy parts for this, as one of the ovens, one of the small burners, and the dropin have not worked since I started using it. Also, I was wondering what it would be worth? A local repairman has offered to rewire it, but I've been told that may not be a good idea...
It's in unbelievable condition..the white enamel isn't chipped in a spot, it cooks evenly, the oven light even works (in the side that the oven itself works).. Every meal I cook, I think of my grandmother! Please feel free to email me directly, as I rarely get enough time to do more than check email every couple of days!