it is frustrating to search old furniture, so I'm passing on tips as to what I personally did to research my old rocking chair, (totally different maker, State) it especially worked, because one of the Chamber of Commerce members is an antiques - - - -etc. And she has one - - --
So:, write, e-mail etc. You probably want the business dates for your company - and any company (s) that bought them out - (Chamber can lead you to County records info).
Any historical society records that may apply. Find out how many historical societies, City, County, State.
A list of Antiques stores.
Furniture restorers in the area - (a bit of a stretch)
Auction companies in area, tho' personally I never got any help this way
And my best of wishes- it can be a long search - you have a treasure you love, that's what it's all about. KB