They are sitting at my Father-in-law's house (who passed away), and there are three children going through the house (my husband is the oldest). There is no executor, so everyone is going through everything. It's been great and fair so far...
I'm a stay at home mom so I have been going through the house on my own sorting through books mostly, (he has hundreds if not thousands), and taking pictures of things that everyone thinks may or may not be valuable. My husband and I love researching things and are avid roadshow and american picker watchers.
I sent an email to the National Portrait Gallery, hopefully I'll get something back...
That's interesting about no known paintings of Jackson...again I'll take more pictures of the surface, I just don't want to remove them from the frame (they are behind glass).
I do know that there is a liquid you can paint on any surface to make it sensitive to light and print from negetive (I did it on glass once) but I don't remember what it was called...
Thanks Oceans!