I think what the seller is saying is that he/she has sold multiple items like this over the years and has the stock from a store that was never sold. I started looking at other auctions by this seller and this is his/her old store stock from a store that he/she owned in the late 1980's. Not unsold stock from a store in the 1920's as the ad would imply. Considering there were muliples of this item in the 1980's I don't think anything but the style of the figure is going to be 1920's. I just don't see anything there that looks antique. It looks like modern etching to me, not something done by hand, although it is hard to tell in the photos. I also don't see anything that looks antique in the beads at the top.
What I usually do when I'm looking for antique jewelry is to find a type that I like and learn as much as I can before I bid on anything, even if it looks like a good deal. For example, I really like antique "panel" bracelets. I leared that you could tell the new ones from the old really easily by looking at the clasps. Old ones had box clasps. There are wonderful Victorian filligree ones, hand-painted Chinese ones on bone panels, and Turkish ones hand-painted on mother of pearl. Mourning jewelry and Catholic relic jewelry are also really interesting to collect.