I agree, but what does the 'handle' do? In its' present form, it serves no purpose other than fits good. The handle fits...that is all it does. It does not hold anything because it falls out if turned upside down. I am playing the devil's advocate here because we do not know, and you said this yourself, if the two go together. If the tube has openings to the large bell space, and the tube does not come out (unscrew at all?), then the bell must hold a liquid IMO. If the tube screws out, giving access to the larger bell opening, then the bell could hold a powder IMO. What the powder is in there now is a good question. Does it smell like anything? Is it really fine like dust? If nothing comes out the tube just only around the tube edge and bell lip, then I would have to believe the tube has no openings to the larger bell space. It is a closed wall tube. And if that is the case, then nothing about this object makes sense.