I have no idea what such an item would be worth, but as the manufacturer is from Germany and relatively unknown, here's a little background:
Porzellanfabrik Anton Friedel
- Originally founded in Sonneberg (Thuringia) but soon (around 1950) moved to Neustadt near Coburg (Bavaria).
- Also produced figures made from a certain hard plastic named 'Elastolin'.
- In the year 1966 there was a large fire in the factory (it is claimed that porcelain production was dropped as result).
- Concentrated on various items made of glass, metal and ceramics.
- Patent holder, various German patents (for locks and plugs on piggy banks, etc., last one from 1992).
- Last company name known was "Anton Friedel GmbH & Co. KG"
- No entries in the books of Röntgen (German porcelain marks 1710 until today) or Danckert (Handbook of European porcelain)