Hi all!
I recently acquired my dads antique rolltop desk. This thing is enormous!
I am going to try to attach three pictures.
I am having a hard time here in Central IL to get someone who can give me any information on this desk ie: maker, date, value/worth, how to fix it etc.
I absolutely have nothing to go on except my father picked it up 31 yrs ago in New Orleans from his Aunt, My great Aunt. He has passed on and I asked my mother who said that it was
"someones, someones, great grandfathers who used it during Prohibition", Now whether that is true or not I dont know!
I do know however that at the same time the acquired the desk, the acquired a Gilbert black mantle clock w/the date of 1907 (Not necessarily the yr it was made).
Any help or direction on where to go next?
I am having a hard time locating any marks of makers, any advice on where to look?
Also; there is a piece missing and it is causing the cubby holes to sink in a little, but a local woodworker said he can replace the missing piece so it'll not sink anymore. Make sense? LOL
Mrs. Stevens
Links in the next post...Thanks and sorry for double post!