Yes this pattern is everywhere, and if you buy for your own use Then you can have a set for really cheap. I kind of like this pattern and have more then once tried to convience the other (better) half to replace her yuck set with this. More because I can get some more room for other stuff
. I really am not putting down this pattern by no means, but thought I would give my pointers to anyone who would by to sell Glassware. Anchor Hocking Prescut pattern does not sell, and it looks really pretty and has that old EAPG Look. I am sure after this writting you will begin to see so much of this pattern in Thrift stores, Rummage sales, and I even see it at the auction house, usually in a set with other press Glass. Watch for it, and you will see what I mean. It is also kinda of funny I was just prepping up some old items for sale, and just bump a couple to my Rummage sale pile, and about to offer a Punch bowl Base for .99 start, just to move it. So I was somewhat serious about if anyone here collect Anchor Prescut, PM me I'll set you up
. I will add a few pics of some of these items, so we all may keep a sharp eye out for these pieces, heck I figure if we all buy what we find, then maybe we can push the value up
, "We can corner the market on this pattern" (evil laugh)