It can't be sold on eBay if it is real ivory. I actually had an ivory colored glass piece and was on the phone with eBay for an hour trying to get them to approve my listing because eBay's automated system was reading it like I was trying to list real ivory, and it wouldn't let me list it. I ended up having to change my title to "Ivory Colored" (thus making me use up 7+ characters of my Title, per their instruction) so the system would allow my item even though it was made of glass! Ebay's rule on ivory is it has to be less than 5% ivory, like small inlaid details on a larger piece, and has to be pre-1900. Some people will try to sell it anyways, but eBay is super strict on that and will ban you if they catch you selling it. Wish I could help you further but I've never bought or sold ivory.