The last paragraph mentions the can. From what I got from this article is that some people took the can and flattened them out and framed them.
Here is the paragraph that talks about the can:
These cans are quite scarce today. I imagine people did hang onto them but then used them as pencil cans, doorstops or garage caddies. When the cans do come up for auction, they can bring up to $1,500. The flats are generally in better condition but they never saw use. They bring $1,000 to $1,500 at auction.I think it is pretty cool.
What i got from the article was not right (i skimmed through it too fast
)....I guess the one they are displaying was a "flat" because it was before it was shaped into the can....but according to the last paragraph the shaped cans do go in the 1,500 range...