Author Topic: New to all this, can someone help?  (Read 1425 times)


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New to all this, can someone help?
« on: August 12, 2004, 05:02:05 am »

Hi I recently became interested in collectibles, learning from reference books and online and have done a little browsing at estate sales.  I recently purchased this candelabra (candelabrum)? and it has backstamp or mark on the bottom that I can't find anything about.  

It reads "Italy 1052" and has an enblem embedded that looks like a lion and maybe a dragon? beside a tower?

It's porcelain, at least that's what it looks like, completely white.

Any info would be greatly appreciated  :)

Thank you

I tried to upload a photo but it said file not allowed (jpg.)?


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New to all this, can someone help?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 09:04:56 pm »
okay, lets get a bit more info -

Is this something that sits on the dining room table?  Is it electrified?  Does it hold candles?

Porcelain or pottery (read ceramic) is usually easy to determine - is it like dinnerware, or porcelain type vase material?  

Other materials could be metal with enamel over, but you can tell if you tap it (gently) with a spoon.  (very gently) Oh, and tip it over.  that should yield a clue if ceramic or enamel.

I'll check back tomorrow - meantime, go ahead and google for -- " ceramic candelabra italy " - -

Meantime, happy googling.     :rolleyes:      KB


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New to all this, can someone help?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 09:13:19 pm »
Hi Kerrybee,

It's not electric, it does hold candles and yes it sits on a table.

I think it's porcelain, although I'm not 100% sure, I don't much about alot of this stuff, I'm just learning.

I tried to post the pictures here but it said file not allowed and I have posted the same pictures on other forums, trying to get some help but no luck on those either.  But I don't know why I can't load the pictures here, they are jpg.

Thank you for giving me some clues to search, I'll look and keep trying to get a picture up here :))
