Author Topic: Not Austrian, Germany marking... the real one I need identified!!  (Read 2992 times)


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I apologize if I have not gone through the correct avenues to get to this point or even if this marking has been identified before.  I have no idea what to search for on this page even if it has been identified before, so I truly do apologize.

Thank you for looking and hopefully being able to help out.  I have linked a couple of photos that go to imageshack above.  I am curious as to what these marks are, when these were used to possibly date them, and to find out what exactly I have.

Story is that my family has had these pieces for ~70 years (WWII) and they have never been identified.  I don't even think we have ever used them other than storage.  How we came about them have conflicting stories but that is not important right now, I don't think.  

One identification issue is that someone in our local area could not identify them because they were older than what he works with, apparently.  Meaning, that these date roughly pre-1750.  I am not sure how accurate that statement is but I am just giving as much information about them that I know here.

What I am seeking is to simply, hopefully, find out the age of these pieces, where they might have originated from (other than Austria) and not so much the value but the possible importance of them.  I am simply curious.  Thank you.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 07:13:16 pm by AustrianMarkHelp »


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Re: Austrian markings on China set... sorry if not properly asked.
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 01:28:31 pm »
Do not know the history behind this piece and that would help !! The mark is called an amphora although most of the potteries that used it,, used the written word rather than a picture !! Only reference to a pictorial mark I found was a fake and you can find it in "porcelainmarksandmo !! There is a pretty good site for Austrian marks here !! You also need to check Germany, Czechoslovakia, and bohemian porcelain since Austria was not incorporated till WWI !!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 01:32:30 pm by mart »


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Re: Austrian markings on China set... sorry if not properly asked.
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 02:15:53 am »
Not that I want to flame your local guy, but he *should* at least know that common (non-German) country of origin designators were introduced after 1890 ... so 'pre-1750' is nonsense.

The first term of this kind was 'Made in Germany', enforced by the British Parliament which passed the 'Merchandise Act' on August 23rd 1887 to protect local markets and blacklist German products. That was followed by the Congress of the United States, which passed the so-called 'McKinley Tariff Act' on October 1st 1890; that demanded all foreign imports to be marked with the country of origin.

That said, the mark shown belongs to a group of different 'AUSTRIA' marks that can't be identified as no Austrian company ever used them. In fact these items are believed to be of Japanese origin, main source of Asian imports around WW2. At that time the Japanese companies still used minor importers, later (1950+) examples of cross-market relationships were Lefton, Sadek or Arnart Creations.


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Re: Austrian markings on China set... sorry if not properly asked.
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2011, 06:24:52 am »
Glad you got in on this one Chris !!


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Re: Austrian markings on China set... sorry if not properly asked.
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2011, 02:22:08 pm »
I don't know the guy personally so this may have been his first time seeing the mark. I really don't know.

This is all news to me and any accurate information I can gather is good to know.

Lefton, Sadek or Arnart Creations... would this be the first place to look or seek out more accurate information?

I can only go by what my older family members have said and they have recently past so no more clarification from them.

Is there another way to possibly date them... like what is the range of dates that this mark is known to be from? Per Chris' post, these pieces seem to be Japanese in origin before or close to WWII (1930's to 1940's). Is that the most narrow, for dating purposes, we can get right now?


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Re: Austrian markings on China set... sorry if not properly asked.
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2011, 05:50:46 pm »
I think late 40`s or 50`s would be more accurate !!  Chris is an expert in this field !! He can correct me if I am wrong !!


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Re: Austrian markings on China set... sorry if not properly asked.
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2011, 07:12:12 pm »
Okay, okay, so help me out some more. So, you know the marking I linked up in the main message? That is the wrong marking for the coffee set that is in question. Hopefully the Flickr link works that I am going to link up. In this link there are three pieces that we know nothing about. I believe the titles of the pictures will shed some light.

The first piece is a small statue. I have never seen this until my mother pulled it from the box. I hope the picture of the marking is clear.

The second piece is a green color "candy dish" that I have seen before but also know nothing about. We think it is some type of candy dish but have never identified the markings either.

The third marking is the marking that was told to us was the old marking. I believe the title of the picture should identify what I am referring to. This is a coffee set with a sugar bowl, creamer, coffee pot and is a set of six. These pictures were all taken and uploaded from my iPhone so hopefully the markings are all clear.

That said, there might be new life in this thread and am looking for any kind of news whatsoever. Hopefully Matt pokes his head in here to help. I can upload the pictures via my computer but not for ~24 hours or so.

Again thank you for all of the assistance so far and hopefully in the near future.


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Re: Not Austrian, Germany marking... the real one I need identified!!
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2011, 07:25:42 pm »
 Flickr link Not working for me, and I am totally confused , would be best if you did a new topic for each piece in question with photos.


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Re: Not Austrian, Germany marking... the real one I need identified!!
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2011, 07:50:32 pm »
Darn, it will have to wait till tomorrow I guess. Flickr name is "Letsloadphotos" if that does anything. I look forward to clearing this up tomorrow with my computer. Argh!


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Re: Not Austrian, Germany marking... the real one I need identified!!
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2011, 05:04:03 am »
Link isn`t working for me either !! Like Wendy said,,its easier for us if you post one item to each thread !! That way we can keep them separate !! Sometimes the title of the thread catches the attention of those most experienced in that field !! We have people that are excellent with glassware and others that are experts on porcelain !! By doing that you will get opinions from those that are most knowledgable !!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 09:23:13 am by mart »


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Re: Not Austrian, Germany marking... the real one I need identified!!
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2011, 11:34:37 am »
The figurine is Capodimonte, not sure of the age, probably 50's.  The teaset pics loaded a bunch of crap on my computer so I'm not looking at those again & the green lidded piece isn't antique, probably 50's or 60's.  HTH a bit.  good luck.